Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > longing and belonging and Grace


longing & belonging & Grace ~ individuality & isolation & oneness (No. 2)

Oct 15, 2018

Saying For Today: In Grace, the other is not another, only appears other in the dance of Life expressing Itself as relationship, as being-with.


Belonging is not other than oneness, oneness not other than belonging. We cannot not be together, for we are together. This are together being timeless, changeless presence within the always changing.

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Last writing, I spoke of our natural togetherness and, so, not isolation? When isolated, we long for belonging. Isolation is within the changing states of body, meaning thought and emotion. Absolutely, you can think you are isolated, feel isolated, try to isolate yourself, but you cannot be isolated. Yet, one could inquire, "What about persons who spend most of their time apart from others, even seem to prefer such solitude?" So, "Are they refusing belonging? Do they long to belong?" And, "What if I do not particularly feel a need to be with others, am I a not-belonger by choice or genetics? Am I acting contrary to oneness?"

To address this matter is important, for the nature of belonging defines for us the meaning of isolation. And this cannot be addressed without speaking of "who" or "what" is present to belong.

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In personhood, what I call ego and self-sense and "I", we will never belong, we will always be divided-from, not-with? This not being-with is the experience of isolation of the individual ~ again, an illusory experience in that absolutely we cannot not be connected with everyone, everything.

This isolation is seen in the etymology of the English "individual"? Modern Western civilization has been built on the idea of the individual, an entity that does not exists. A self self-contradiction. This "I" pursuing success, happiness, love, acceptance, fame, nirvana, heaven, God, ... does not exists positively, but is the absence of an embrace of oneness.

So, a sense of isolation is pervasive among much of humanity, it seems. With ever-more ways to connect immediately via technology, this does not mean we are living our belonging. Most of this supposed communication is not communion. For example, friendship has been reduced to accepting an invitation online with a person one has never consulted face-to-face with, via even phone, never cultivated friendship with. Friendship, now, something that really means nothing, so nothing one chooses it without having to grow it. So, one can be isolated, rejecting belonging in any viable way, and lazily procure hundreds, even more, so-called friends, simply by typing into a machine. This is what technology offers, while it offers so much better, also.


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > longing and belonging and Grace

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